Gregory Terrace Old Boys' Association est. 1899


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Who We Are

One of the greatest gifts an education at St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace, bestows is the legacy of mateship and friendship, forged through the strong bonds that develop at Terrace. These bonds are founded on camaraderie, care and support, for all who have worn the red and black. Our network endures and continues to grow after Terracians leave the College.

The GTOBA was established to support the College, its students and the wellbeing of Old Boys. The Association serves as a vehicle for ongoing enrichment, fellowship and continued connection, with the school and with each other. The decorated history of Terrace and its extraordinary success has been achieved through a strong partnership between students, teachers, parents and Old Boys, collectively working together as the Terrace Family.

Mentoring Connect

Register yourself as a mentor or mentee

Event Dates

Register for GTOBA's upcoming reunions and events

Committee Nominations

Nominate to be a member of the 2025 committee

Terrace 150

In 2025, St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace celebrates its sesquicentenary, its 150th anniversary. Terrace 150 will be an incredible year of celebration for the Terrace Family.

A range of events have been planned for the year. Please keep an eye out for more information here. 

Jack Cain

GT 1951

Jack's Grandfather and Great-Uncle were two of the first 26 students on Day 1 when St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace first opened. Watch the video on the left for some of Jack's reflections of his time at Terrace (1945 - 1951). Click here for an unedited version of his speech. 

College Prayer

O'Jesus, make our hearts so human that others may feel at home with us.  
So like yours, that others may feel at home with you.
So forgetful of self, that we might simply become the place where you and they meet.
In the power of your love and the joy of your friendship.
Live, Jesus, in our hearts... forever!

School Song | Terrace To The Fore

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